For full details on all the stoves below please call us on 01225 891469
Prices include V.A.T and assume collection from our premises.
Gas & Electric Offers Click on the categories below and choose from the options for find your stove. Filter Stove type Kilowatt output range Fuel type Stove options Construction Air quality Manufacturer All stove & Fires search stoves £3,400.00 £2,720.00 £3,650.00 £2,920.00 £2.200.00 £1,760.00 £2,700.00 £2,160.00 £2,500.00 £2,000.00 £2,295.00 £1,377.00 £2,395.00 £1,796.00 £2,469.00 £1,851.00 £3,139.00 £1,569.00 £2,565.00 £1,282,00 £2,429.00 £1,214.00 £1,795.00 £1,200.00 £1,000.00 £2,289.00 £1,144.00 £600.00 £699 £400 £545 £150 £475.00 £190.00 £3,400.00 £2,720.00 £2,500.00 £2,000.00 The Jøtul GF 370 Balanced flue utilizes modern design and the new JøtulBurner III to create an exceptional fire view from any angle. Based on the award winning Jøtul F 370 woodstove, the Jøtul GF 370 BF offers the same contemporary cast iron styling in a freestanding direct vent stove £3,400.00 £2,720.00 The Jøtul GF 400 CF presents the perfect union of high efficiency and cast iron beauty. Its classic lines and Gothic arch double doors frame a hand crafted log set. Completed with flames and glowing embers that give the Jøtul GF 400 CF unrivalled realism within the gas stove industry. £2,500.00 £2,000.00 |