Castle Farm, Marshfield, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 8HU
01225 891469

R Flue / Insulated Flue

R Flue is a prefabricated, factory made twin-wall insulated stainless steel system chimney. The fully welded construction combined with a high performance / high density insulating medium, provides the optimum level of performance required for modern-day solid fuel appliances such as DEFRA approved high-efficiency wood-burners alongside traditional stove installations.

The construction provides a high thermal resistance which ensures rapid stabilisation of the flue gas temperature and draught, whilst maintaining a relatively low temperature on the external surface of the chimney.

R Flue is designed for internal and external applications, suitable for negative pressure applications.

please note: all installations must be fitted by a qualified Hetas engineer or with building regulation approval.